How to View Below 350nm? The Raspberry Pi HQ camera has gotten into the hands of ultraviolet photographers and with a few modifications the camera has had…
Sounds like fun, right? Today, we’ll share with you a couple of projects that are using this set of technologies to solve real problems. Fighting Weeds As a…
In today’s short Friday update, we’d like to share our 3D model for StereoPi v2. If you are designing your own enclosure—or trying to guess whether or not this…
We are glad to announce that our StereoPi v2 campaign is live! In this next generation of the StereoPi, we took into account a lot of requests from our…
Introduction The new Compute Module 4 was recently announced. It just so happens that the Raspberry Pi Foundation has provided us with early access to…
You may ask "Why do I need to use a bunch of the StereoPi?" Well, we got a set of requests from our customers, who need to take a lot of images at once. …
If you haven’t followed the evolution of cameras for the Raspberry Pi, then here is a very brief summary of the latest events: the Nvidia Jetson Nano kit…
Source: Phillips et al., Deep-Sea Research I 2019 We’ve found fantastic research made by a group of oceanologists. They suggest affordable solution based on…
The Raspberry Pi Compute Module powering the StereoPi has the ability to operate as an USB device thanks to an USB-OTG hardware within the processor. This…
You often hear that Python is too slow for computer vision, especially when it comes to single-board computers like Raspberry Pi. Python is very simple and…
I purchased a StereoPi deluxe kit when it was launched on Crowd Supply in 2019. The StereoPi was the inspiration behind Blinky, a camera case that can walk,…
This is our third article in The Art of Stereoscopic Photo series (part 1, part 2). In it, you will learn how to take stereoscopic photographs of small objects…
Quick prototyping is a must. As a maker you must know, that sometimes some minor inconvenience (like lack of appropriate bolts and nuts) leads to the huge time…
Horse Vision Have you ever noticed that a horse’s eye position and view direction differs from the human’s eyes? Actually they have wider field of view,…
One of our friends does psychological research in the field of human perception. He was impressed by our experiment with Oculus Go, and wanted to use this…
Minimalist case from mounting plate This nifty case project was done by user Taki(Germany). You can see all the details in their field report.…
A friend of mine does psychological research in the field of human perception. He was impressed by our experiment with Oculus Go, and wanted to use this…
Now that we’ve presented the project and the details of its case design, we’d like to conclude this short series about the Stereomaton with a look at how it…
The Business Development team at our university, ZSEM, together with the high tech startup Coggnix, is developing a remote sensing drone equipped specifically…
Then I added some hexagonal plastic stand-offs that I had in my workshop and gave it a try. Unfortunately, the camera cable next to the HDMI connector is…
“New features always means new bugs”Socrates, 446 BC As a rule, we prefer to use stable releases of Raspbian and OpenCV in our images. This helps users to…
The goal of this series of articles is to create a compact indoor robot that can navigate using stereo vision. As a platform for it, we’ll use a small Dagu RP5…
Better late than never. Basic video guides are here! We recorded 3 video guides with a detailed “first start” explanation. How to insert Compute Module, why…
We’ve put out the second article in our series of guides to stereoscopic photography. The first part of this series concerned some theory and basics, but…
Introduction In the previous article we reviewed the main rules and principles that allow you to get high-quality stereo photographs. In this article we will…
The eMMC on non-“Lite” Compute Modules is highlighted by a red circle in this photo. This chip capacity varies from 4 Gb to 32 Gb, depending on Compute 3/3+…
I’ll skip a lengthy intro and go straight to the point. So, I have a stereo camera capable of outputting H264 video over different protocols, and I have an…
With the StereoPi, you can enter the world of stereoscopic photography! The art of stereoscopic photography actually began in the 18th century and the…
When your parcel is on it’s way, you will receive an email notification with the tracking details. Some of you may have already received a tracking number…
Who’s there? There are lot of StereoPi inside! Top view... ...and the bottom... ...and the front view... MicroSD with the Raspbian S.L.P. image…
The tutorial consists of six steps: Step 1: Capture image Step 2: Capture photos for calibration Step 3: Create set of left and right images Step 4:…
UPD> We have updated version of this article, including C++ code, here:OpenCV: comparing the speed of C++ and Python code on the Raspberry Pi for stereo…
Brand-new CM3+ Lite Availability Thanks to the Raspberry Pi Foundation, we were able to get some of the newest CM3+ Lite modules! This module has quickly…
Slim Edition Micro USB Connector First, let’s answer a question from one of our backers. The description for StereoPi Slim Edition mentions it has Micro USB…
Let me start with a small secret. To tell the truth, this board was originally developed as an internal tool for our team. We imagined it as some kind of “…
In this article we will continue our experiments with the StereoPi stereoscopic camera based on the Raspberry Pi Compute Module. This time, we will create a…
During these 3 weeks these things happened: During first week factory started PCB manufacturing and begun components bought. During second week components…
If you use ROS when creating robots, then you probably know that it supports utilization of stereo cameras. For example, you can create a depth map of the…
My friend showed me some screenshots to clarify what it should look like: After several days to compile mechanical parts and write some code for video…
As you may know, factory batch production is a difficult challenge with a very high cost of errors. To avoid mistakes, we will take some preliminary steps to…